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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  May 13, 2013 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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this morning old n this morning on "world news now" -- parade bloodshed. gunshots fired at a mother's day parade in new orleans. children among those shot. the mayor demands answers. >> drama in cleveland. new video shows the police busting into castro's home, ending years of captivity for women inside. hear what castro's brothers are saying about the alleged crime. surviving abduction. the heartfelt response from two women kidnapped and freed in ohio in a similar crime. >> i couldn't imagine going through what i went through for ten years. i mean that's just -- torture. >> their nightmare, unforgettable memories and their message to the cleveland victims on this monday, may 13th. >> announcer: from abc news this
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is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good monday morning to you. >> day one. how was your mother's day? first mother's day ever. special? >> it was special. >> what did they do? >> i got breakfast in bed. my husband cooked for the family. got a nice gift. devon walked over to me. it was great. >> set the bar high. got to make sure you get breakfast in bed every year. >> year two. have to beat year one. >> glad you had a great first mother's day. you deserve it. you work hard. >> thank you. begin this half hour in new orleans. the mayor is pleading with witnesses to come forward after shooting at a mother's day parade. >> 19 people including two children were hurt when someone opened fire on a crowd. with more here is abc's lindsay janice. >> reporter: gunmen opened fire on the mother's day parade, wounding 12 people. po girl
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grazed by a bullet is among the injured. >> innocent people. half didn't know they was shot. >> and it is amazing. on mother's day. there is kids involved in this. >> reporter: up to four people are in surgery their conditions are not yet known. somehow, no one was killed. >> it appears the two or three people unknown to us started shooting towards the crowd. over in just a couple seconds. >> reporter: the shooting at the corner of frenchman and villary in the seventh ward. the victims were part of a second line parade, following the parade's brass marching band. a celebration of mothers turned into a nightmare. linzie janis, abc news, new york. o.j. simpson is set to return to a las vegas courtroom today to get convictions thrown out. robbery, assault and kidnapping. simpson wants a new trial claiming his old attorney gave him bad legal advice. simpson served four years of a
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33-year prison sentence stemming from a confrontation with a sports memorabilia dealer. he may testify in his own behalf later this week. the michael jackson wrongful death trial resumes today. and jackson's long time friend who did his hair and makeup for nearly 30 years testified she thought the singer would die if he didn't get help. karen fey said she also overheard an aeg executive order jackson's assistant to do whatever it takes to get him to rehearsal. jackson's family is now suing aeg claiming the promoters were responsible for his death. the three women rescued from cleveland house of horrors are asking for privacy and a chance to heal. they made the request through an attorney. this morning new cell phone video showing their first moments of freedom. here is abc's chuck sivertsen. >> reporter: the moment of freedom is at hand. cleveland police charged the front door and bust it open. on the other side.
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gina dejesus and michelle knight about to breathe the air of freedom for the first time in ten years. minutes earlier, amanda berry and her 6-year-old daughter had been broken out of their prison. seen here embracing in the street. >> holding her daughter. telling him, keep me safe. keep me protected. >> reporter: on the first sunday of freedom in ten years, the three sent messages through their lawyers. thank you so much for everything you are doing. and continue to do. i am so happy to be home with my family. i am so happy to be home. i want to thank everyone for your prayers. i just want time now to be with my family. thank you to everyone for your support and good wishes. i am healthy, happy and safe and will reach out to family, friends, supporters in good time. >> they made a plea for privacy. >> so they can continue to heal and reconnect with their families and lives. >> reporter: a bitter sweet mother's day for amanda berry,
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her mother pined away for her missing daughter. >> 370 some days. just not knowing. >> reporter: she never saw amanda, again, and died at age 44. amanda's grandfather, troy berry has a special gift waiting. a chevy monte carlo from 1986, the year she was born. >> first thing she asked. have you still got my car? that lit up her world. i told her it is sitting there. >> reporter: abc news, new york. we are hearing from ariel castro's brothers arrested with him. since cleared and released. in an interview with cnn, onil and pedro castro said they had no idea what was happening in their brother's home. >> i could never think of doing anything like that. if i knew, i would have reported it. brother. no brother. >> brothers have been getting death threats from people convinced they had something to do with the crime.
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everybody says the same thing. how could they have not known? >> we don't want to fan any fires here. but, it is so hard to think that the, this entire family lived in the same neighborhood. his children, parent, rather his mother. two brothers. you know, everybody has got, that one family member that you kind of stay away. say don't come over. don't go over. they're the one, you know, you give them their space and it's just so horrific to think what was happening in that house. nobody, not his own neighbors knew what was going on. >> amazing. pedro and onil. they were held on misdemeanors, but they were released. >> police have talked with the women involved and they must not have said anything. >> that's a good point. harsh exchanges about last year's deadly terror attack on the consulate in benghazi, libya. the controversy was reignited last week following exclusive abc news reporting that showed the state department was involved in editing the cia's
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talking points used in the days after the attack. senator john mccain was on abc's "this week." >> i would call it a cover-up. i would call it a cover-up in the extent there was willful, removal of information which was obvious. it was obvious. >> the top house republican investigating the benghazi attacks says he will request depositions today from the authors of a scathing report about them. that report criticized the state department, but absolved former secretary of state hillary clinton. political hot potato centers on the internal revenue service targeting tea party groups ahead of last year's elections. the targeting goes back further than last year. abc's reena ninan reports from the white house. >> reporter: the irs may be in need of an audit say critics after revelations it specifically went after conservative tea party groups. >> i don't care if you are a conservative, a liberal, democrat or republican.
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this should send a chill up your spine. >> reporter: new allegations from the irs inspector general's report due out this week. reportedly claim senior irs officials knew about targeting as early as 2011. why did the agency's commissioner appointed by george w. bush say this to congress last year? >> there is absolutely no targeting. >> the irs is apologizing saying none of the groups had tax exempt status revoked. acknowledged some withdrew their applications. the agency blaming three lower-level employees. insisting no high-level officials knew about the targeting. >> how stupid do they think we are? >> reporter: some groups were asked for a list of donors. >> it is very disappointing that the president hasn't personally condemned this. >> reporter: the white house insists this was not a political witch hunt, but admits this isn't over. >> the president would expect that it be thoroughly investigated. >> reporter: tea party members say it's not good enough. >> they're abusing the power in the irs.
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it's completely unacceptable. >> reporter: house majority a leader, eric cantor, plans on launching an investigation into why the conservative groups were targeted. reena ninan, abc news, the white house. big announcement from abc's barbara walters today. after 50 years in the news business, the journalist is retiring from television in the summer of next year. she is going to make the big announcement this morning on "the view." barbara is happy with her decision and looks forward to a wonderful, special year ahead. she will remain executive producer of "the view." jam packed events, prince harry taking a rest day today. nothing public on the schedule. >> harry traded english football for the american variety. he got some of the finer points before lining up as a wide receiver and hauling in a long pass. >> had fun with the cheerleaders, forming a human pyramid. there he is down on the base. tour areas of new jersey damaged
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by super storm sandy tomorrow. wonder if he get to be able to throw a football since they don't play american football over there. he didn't look so bad. >> i will he was his happiest where he is right there. the bottom of the cheerleader pyramid. >> you're right about that kind of stuff. >> kept his clothes on. >> he did. that really its the bottom line of the story. >> touchdown. he has kept his clothes on. >> very nice. coming up, what could be a different way to consume beer, watch and decide for yourself. after celebrating mother's day, we are celebrating one mom whose life-saving decisions at a little league game made her a hero. you are watching "world news now." ♪ tears of joy running down her face ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lunesta. ♪ ♪ can help you get there, piclone like it has for so many people before.
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do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. in-wash scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it's been in the closet for 12 weeks! unbelievable! unstopables!
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amanda berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight have healing ahead. sadly there are too many women who can offer advice on how to survive the ordeal of kidnapping. >> cynthia mcfadden spoke with two victims who are still struggling to recover. she has more in our "up all "nightline" report.
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>> this is sharon richard. at age 23, she is a survivor. >> i couldn't imagine going through what i went through for ten years. that's torture. >> reporter: in 2005 she and her first cousin were rescued from their abduction in a dramatic 911 call. >> she's upstairs! >> reporter: we met the cousins in 2008 and disguised them in wigs for their own protection. their story began when they took a walk to the corner for a milk shake and a man and woman offered them a ride. i thought i knew the guy the i stupidly get in. they pass up the wendy's. they're like, we are going to get you chinese food. i am like okay. i started getting like -- >> reporter: there would be no chinese food. no milk shakes. the cousins were taken against their will to this house and held prisoner. terrified, the girls are separated by two women call the.
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>> envy takes me downstairs. upstairs and explained to me what i had to do. like, that i had to sleep with men for money and stuff. >> did she use the word prostitute? >> yeah. she is like, you will be a prostitute for daddy, what she called him. she is like and you have to call him daddy. >> reporter: he also goes by the name machiavelli after the legendary master of manipulation. his real name, derek willoughby. after two weeks of being trafficked around the midwest including a truck stop. back in toledo comes the 911 call. >> ma'am, where are you? >> i don't know. >> reporter: the nightmare over, the memories remain. sharon has spent years recovering. there have been troubles with
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shoplifting. and jail time. and depression. post-traumatic stress. >> some days i don't know how i'll get through it. i pray. please get me through the day. i can't do it myself. >> reporter: she has two children now and has hard earned words of wisdom for the survivors in cleveland, just beginning their long road to recovery. >> i know they don't want to talk about it. because it is embarrassing what you've done. but it is not your fault. i just want to say that. no matter what happened even if you were brainwashed to think that you wanted to do it. you didn't want to do it, it is not your fault. need counseling and professional help. there is nothing wrong with that. use your support system, your family. it gets better. it does. >> reporter: cynthia mcfadden in new york. >> it gets better. >> it gets better. >> got to get the help. really got to get the help.
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>> w back to try in cleveland. everybody says the key here if you see something, say something. the way the two girls were saved, one of the many truck drivers that went through the truck stops and the girls essentially were sold to them, was so disgusted by what he saw, he said something. so, you know it's just, one person can make the biggest difference. >> no doubt about it. the whole country learned that ss b time over the last couple weeks. stil a life-saving play on a little league baseball field. >> how a mom sprang into action to save the life of a little boy after he was hit by a ball. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world n
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♪ moms are always heroes to their kids. one mother earned that title by making quite a big save on the
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baseball diamond. >> big time. this one is our "favorite story of the day." at a little league game, an 8-year-old player was hit by a ball, his heart stopped. gio benitez explains what happened. >> reporter: a miracle on the little league field. a saturday afternoon for mom maureen, watching her son play ball in new jersey when suddenly a ball hit another little boy, ian mcgrevey as he slid into third base. >> he stood up. then his whole body collapsed to the ground. >> reporter: the 8-year-old stopped breathing. cardiac arrest. >> beautiful child on the ground. i just ran, just tried to save him. >> reporter: she remembered her cpr training from 20 years ago. >> i did more compressions. went back. by the fourth time. by the time i did the compressions i did the mouth-to-mouth, puff of air. he coughed. and then he started spitting up. i turned him over.
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and he was back. he was breathing each of felt his heartbeat which was like, it was the greatest moment of my life to feel that little boy, back alive. >> reporter: cardiac arrest on the field is rare but it happened before. just last month in san diego, a 16-year-old died when a softball hit his chest. >> when it comes to the heart over the heart area, it can transmit an energy. that can create an electrical signal that can disturb the heart, own electrical signal and start a cascade of events. >> maureen urges everyone to take a simple cpr course because it saved a little boy's life. >> say this morning, waking up knowing he is going to be fine and just, that his mother will have him on mother's day that's all that matters to me. >> such a special woman. little ethan is still in the hospital. doctors watching over him. but they tell us, he is doing well. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> that is one awesome mom. she remembered, 20 years ago. >> you know what my take away is from the story. signing up for cpr. oh, yeah. got to get my class.
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>> tips on it as a reporter. done stories on it. when push comes to shove. >> knowing it is key. >> brush up on it right. >> right. coming up. astronaut bitter sweet song of farewell. >> we'll be right back. para mis blancos solo uso el detergente
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tide vivid y el boost. traducele. she only uses tide vivid detergent plus boost for her whites. y me deja los blancos viendose como nuevos, lavado tras lavado.
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that part's true. ese es mi tide, cual es el tuyo? that part's true. given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there,
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on the wings of lunesta. time for "the mix," if you time for "the mix," if you are falling asleep. you've will wake up for this one. strange, nasty, weird. kind of whatever. >> we don't know what to do. >> a lot of people say this is a fake. we have no clue. it may be. a woman posted something on a beer festival facebook site. and she finds a unique way of drinking a beer. watch this. she apparently takes her a while. but according to the video. she drains that pint glass of beer through her ear. according to the way she looks on her face, not a pleasant experience. there you have it. the pint beer gradually empties. finally down, after 1:53. again, there is times when you don't quite see it. so is it real, a fake, we don't
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know. >> i don't know. scratching my head. >> hope it is a fake. cannot be good for you. >> they say it is all connected on the inside. how do you -- you know, she doesn't look like she is having a good time drinking a pint. if i am drinking a pint. i want to enjoy it and taste it. >> no doubt. >> that's just me. moving on to this. how about this for a statistic? moms are getting smarter in america. >> i believe it. >> i will back into the study. apparently, less educated women are having babies, does that make sense? more women who have at least, some college degrees are the ones having babies. 66% of the women who are having babies have some college education. >> interesting. >> this was in 2011. 34% of moms in 2011 had only a high school degree. moms in general are getting
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smarter. the people who are having babies are at least in some degree better well off with their education. >> interesting. >> hopefully you got. >> moms are getting smarter. >> exactly the point. >> kind of cool. check out commander chris hatfield. might be the most entertaining astronaut to say good-bye from space. check this out. ♪ to major tom you really made the grade ♪ ♪ and the papers want to know >> real, folks. going viral. canadian. 750,000 followers on twitter, the numbers will go up by the second. not bad, good rendition of david bowie's. he made the most of his moment. >> when you broke up with your girlfriend. what did you usually do? >> burn the picture, that's that. >> now with facebook, the university of colorado found that a third of people can't bring themselves to burn the picture on facebook, deleting them. they have a constant remin
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this morning on "world ns this morning on "world news now" -- police takedown. captured on video. the cleveland police moving in to end a living nightmare. the raid on ariel castro's house where police say three were held captive for years. sinking subdivision. an upscale neighborhood may be off limits for everyone. homes are cracking and collapsing in california, why investigators are puzzled and property owners are heartbroken. icy disaster. giant sheets of ice crashing into homes. a crisis courtesy of mother nature. how it happened on the shores of not one but two lakes. major announcement. our respected abc news colleague barbara walters making a big decision after half a century on the air. we will tell you about it in "the skinny," on this monday, may 13th. >> announcer: from abc news,
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this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> happy monday, everyone. monday, monday. can't trust that day. >> can't trust that day. >> you are a new mom. we talked about it earlier -- you had breakfast in bed, what did they make you i want to know? >> the works. >> the works. >> pancakes, eggs, sausage, everything. >> pancake and eggs? like the ihop. >> my husband had devon. in one arm. flipping pancakes. >> the baby in the other. did he get any help, or did he do it all by himself? >> i wasn't there. did it all by himself? >> how about your mother's day? >> father's day is coming up. tough act to follow. >> i do. >> mother's day was great. went out to dinner. bought nice gifts. >> very cool. got to move on to the story we don't like. we will begin this half-hour in cleveland, once again, where the three young women are able to celebrate mother's day and freedom. >> we are able to get a dramatic new look at the moment of their rescue. here's abc's alex
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at those tense moments when cleveland police pried open the front door of ariel castro's home, freeing gina dejesus and michelle knight. caught on video when they noticed the commotion and pulled over. >> police, detectives, ambulance came out of nowhere. >> reporter: it all unfolds just moments after amanda berry and her 6-year-old daughter escaped and ran across the street. >> i turned my camera, you can see a little bit of amanda, i think -- there she goes. >> that's her. holding the baby right. >> reporter: we learn the women are filled with gratitude. >> for the generous assistance and loving support of their family, friends and the community. >> reporter: through their attorney we are also hearing directly from the women themselves. in a statement -- dejesus says i want time to be with my family. knight writes, i am healthy, happy and safe. berry saying i am so happy to be home with my family. her grandfather making the drive
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from tennessee to see her. before she disappeared he promised her the dale earnhardt edition chevy monte carlo. >> first thing she asked, have you still got the car. it lit up her world. still sitting there. >> reporter: we are hearing from ariel castro's brothers, who were initially arrested with him but later released. in an interview with cnn, onil and pedro castro said they had no idea what was happening in their brother's home. >> i could never think of doing anything like that. if i knew, i would have reported it. brother or no brother. >> reporter: in that interview the castro brothers say they worry people will always believe they played some sort of role in all of this. alex perez, abc news, cleveland. >> now the fbi says it was street violence and not a terror attack that 19 people were shot in new orleans. this happened sunday afternoon during a mother's day parade not far from french quarter. at least three victims were seriously hurt. police saw three suspects
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running from the scene. >> it appears that the two or three people just for reason unknown to us started shooting at, towards or in the crowd. it was over in just a couple seconds. police were everywhere. >> among shooting victims taken to the hospital two 10-year-old children. the mayor is urging witnesses to come forward. a frightening headline now. doctors in france, confirming a patient suffering from a virus related to sars, newest victim shared the hospital room with the first victim in france. public health investigators want any one who came in contact with patients to be tested. french travelers are on alert. especially those who have been to the arabian peninsula. 18 deaths have been reported. in arizona, emergency crews used a helicopter to evacuate victims attacked by an angry swarm of bees. five people had to be rescued off a trail yesterday after being attacked. one of them a 6-year-old boy who was stung more than 100 times. he is now listed in stable but guarded condition. dozens of families in
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northern california forced to abandon their unstable homes for solid ground. houses are slowly sinking one by one. inspectors want to know what is causing the huge crack in the earth. abc's akiko fujita has the story. >> reporter: the slow motion disaster is threatening all 30 homes in this northern california neighborhood. small cracks weeks ago, now gaping holes. the hillside collapsing. jantar singh watched the ground pull his neighbor's home ten feet below the street and has seen the cracks eat away at his house. >> see my bedroom right there. bedroom downstairs they're gone. you can see. no more bed rooms. >> reporter: officials suspended mail delivery to keep carriers out of danger. they redirected sewage because man holes collapsed. at least half a dozen damaged homes have been tagged for removal. but the hillside is so unstable, crews can't get in. >> my home could be their home in a matter of days, weeks we don't know. >> reporter: lake county
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officials say water has been bubbling to the surface for weeks, saturating the ground. they're scrambling to plug leaks within the underground water system but don't know what is causing them. we have seen this before. in florida -- >> the bedroom floor just collapsed and my brother-in-law is in there underneath the house. >> reporter: a deadly sinkhole, 30 feet wide, opened up under a bedroom taking jeff bush with him as he slept in his bed. on washington's whidbey island this landslide wiped out a hillside. landslides change with each day. moving a few inches on sundays, several feet on others on light sink holes which swallow homes in an instant. with the ground moving under his very feet. singh decided to pack up, leaving his first house behind for his family's safety. akiko fujita, abc news, los angeles. >> homes crumbling in manitoba, canada. but there was no mystery. in this case, a giant wall of
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ice came crashing into a lake side community of vacation cottages destroying a dozen of them. powerful winds blew ice off the lake on to the lake like tsunami. fortunately no one was hurt. property owners were shocked. >> bang. the ice came right through the living room here. he said, "grab your purse, grab whatever you can. get the keys. we got to get out of here." >> wow, a similar scene. hundreds of miles away in minnesota where powerful winds pushed ice ashore from the middle of the lake. yards filled up with ice, up to three feet deep. >> some crazy stuff. >> ooh. >> 30, 40-mile-per-hour winds gusts before all that blew off the lake. 10 miles of shoreline affected. some of the ice piles, 30 feet high. look, you can see them moving. >> yeah, look at that movement. my goodness. ice is still breaking up. but they need, need it to warm up obviously. so it melts. what are they going to do with
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all the water? going to go. >> seep down, into basements. >> hopefully back to the lake not into the people's basements. >> strangest thing. >> mother nature. >> take a look at your weather. quiet day for most of the nation. rain in the pacific northwest where it has been dry for two weeks. florida could see afternoon thunderstorms. >> cooler than usual in the east, midwest. the day could start off at freezing or just slightly below in chicago. and nashville. and then it is going to warm up quickly. west is unusually warm, though. denver will hit 90 degrees. >> wow. >> will feel good for the folks. >> good for you, denver. bit of video from alaska here. that brings to mind the hitchcock movie "the birds." remember that one. >> yikes. in this case the birds, dozens of bald eagles descended on a truck in alaska. >> feasting on garbage bags, fish parts, in the bed of the truck. one woman whose car was next to the pickup truck, purposely triggered her car alarm. did not scare many of them away.
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a cop scared many away with his siren. when they flew off the truck owner got in, drove off. no big deal. just another day. >> crazy news going on this morning. >> for sure. >> ice creeping on houses. bird. trucks. all kind of crazy. >> here is good news though. nobody was hurt. the driver wasn't charged. could have been charged. birds didn't make a mess. >> you are allowed to have fish in the bag in the back of your pickup. >> not really supposed to happen. >> i know. coming up, after 52 years on the air a, abc's barbara walters will make a major announcement today. michael jackson's daughter, paris, is considering a big move. why she may be spending a whole lot more time with her mother. you're watching "world news now." >> "world news now" weather -- brought to you by megared omega three krill oil. by megared omega
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three crill oil. para mis blancos solo uso el detergente tide vivid y el boost. traducele. she only uses tide vivid detergent plus boost for her whites. y me deja los blancos viendose como nuevos, lavado tras lavado. that part's true. ese es mi tide, cual es el tuyo?
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michael jackson wrongful death trial resumes in los angeles today. a staffer who worked on final production takes the stand. jackson's long time friend who did his hair and makeup for 30 years, testified friday she thought the singer would die without help. karen fey overheard an aeg executive order jackson's assistant to do whatever it takes to get him to rehearsal. jackson's family is suing aeg
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claiming promoters were responsible for his death. the trial is expected to reveal disturbing information about jackson. no wonder his daughter has been looking for some comfort from her mother. >> paris jackson has not been close to debbie rowe, that is changing. abc's brandi hitt has more. ♪ you are not alone >> reporter: the late king of pop's daughter, paris jackson isn't alone. she's been spotted spending time with a rather unlikely individual, her birth mom, debbie rowe. >> sources tell us, paris as a teenager is going through some teenage issues and really wanted a mother figure around. >> reporter: michael jackson's daughter is 15. paris and prince michael along with blanket from a different mother have been watched over by their grandmother and guardian katherine jackson since their father's death in 2009. >> katherine jackson is a lovely lady, but she is 83 years old. there is close to 70 years age difference. >> reporter: paris has been
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growing up fast. she recently had a daily mail article and spread in "event" magazine. the past weekend the two were seen looking at horses at a california ranch. then having sushi. they spent paris' birthday together. why now? >> i think it is not only not surprising that a 15-year-old girl wants her mother. i think it is really healthy she wants that influence in her life. >> rowe married jackson in 1996. the couple had two children, prince and paris. later when they divorced rowe reportedly gave up all her parental rights. >> allegedly debbie rowe got paid $8 million to go quietly into the sunset. >> reporter: she had visitation rights after jackson died but hasn't exercised them until now. >> paris reached out to debbie and wanted to be in touch with her. >> reporter: perhaps a relationship is blossoming between paris and her mother. brandi hitt, abc news. >> reports she will try to move
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back in with her mom. that's been shot down by the other camp. >> katherine jackson's lawyer said she has not packed her bags, home, she is fine. a girl who is a teenager needs a mom, a dad. right now, neither. >> whatever comfort is a good thing. >> absolutely. good for her. coming up, the secret behind jennifer aniston's hair do. high time her hairdresser reveals it. a change in the late night talk show business. that's coming up next in "the skinny." >> "world news now" continues after this from our abc stat
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♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome to "the skinny," everyone. we begin with something we have been talking about throughout the morning and hear a lot more about throughout the day on "the view" ms. barbara walters announced she will be retiring in the summer of 2014. still have her a little more than a year. she made her announcement after 37 years just here at abc news, but more than 50 years in broadcast news, news, she, she is going to retire. you know what? she has given a whole lot to the, you know, industry, she has broke through glass ceilings. >> what a pioneer. >> all over the place. >> she's done it all. look at the people she interviewed. >> she made it so i can be here today.
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i have no problem saying that. i appreciate her for it. she will stay on as "the view's" executive producer. still getting the flavor from barbara walters, make an appearance here and there. for now the decision is she will be retiring. >> i'm sure, in a year, she will get a major send-off. can't give her enough accolades. just an amazing career. we'll treasure it another year. >> true. congratulations to her. uh-huh. >> let's talk nbc naming seth myers, late night host to succeed jimmy fallon. "saturday night live" veteran seth myers chosen as new host of late night. jimmy fallon moves to the tonight show. in 2014. nbc said this sunday. the show "late night with seth myers" done here in new york at rockefeller plaza. lorne michaels of "saturday night live" will be executive producer. myers, 12 seasons with "saturday night live." 8 as the head writer and 7 as the weekend update anchor. the premiere will be announced later, according to nbc.
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fallon set to take over the "tonight show" next spring after jay leno departs. >> sir jay leno. >> did i just knight jay leno. that was a misspeak. >> is it me or has this happened with record speed. talking about pre damage control. we heard that jay may be leaving. then jimmy was on. now who is replacing jimmy, seth. >> they want to get this one right. >> i thought you were replacing. you are replacing seth. >> sure, as weekend update guy. >> why not. sounds like fun. >> a lot of fun. bring it on. >> absolutely. okay. now we have candid news to tell you about. gwyneth paltrow on the phone with a couple australian radio hosts. and she got quite sincere. she had some truth juice in her. she admitted she was. >> little on the drunk side. take a listen. talking about the met gala. you go, you get done up. look absolutely gorgeous.
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everybody wants to be there with you. we can't. we are all poor. you are all rich. listen to what she has to say. >> were you at the met thing the other night? >> yeah. >> do you want me to be honest? >> it sucked. >> did it? >> it seems like the best thing in the world. like, you are like my god this is going to be so glamorous, amazing, you are going to see all these people. then you get there and, it's so hot, it's so crowded. and everyone is pushing you. it wasn't fun. kanye west was playing. he was furious. threw his microphone down. it was all drama. >> all drama. >> all drama. you heard it from someone who was amongst them. now you know, met gala is not glamorous. >> the rachel, the hair, the jennifer aniston hair, trend, cut, most copied hair styles of all time. jennifer aniston's creator of
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the cut, recently admitted he was stoned when he created the look. salon owner chris mcmillen, been sober for 14 years. time he talked the truth. >> mistake. >> quite a work of art wasn't it? >> yes it was. >> yes it was.
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♪ >> love that song. yesterday was mother's day. day to celebrate moms, flowers, cards. nice dinners, breakfast in bed if you are diana perez. all those kind of things. >> sometimes finding the word to express our gratitude can be a little tough. abc's david muir went in search of sentiments that are just right. ♪ >> reporter: it was back to central park on this mother's day. it didn't take long to find a super hero son. are you superman? 4 1/2-year-old rowan didn't forget his mom. he told us he bought her a flower. it was that big? >> this big.
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>> reporter: what color? >> a purple one. >> reporter: and this group, brothers talking a about their mom. if you were to pick one word to describe your mom, what would it be? >> pretty. >> reporter: pretty? his older brother? >> caring. >> reporter: caring. what is the best thing about your mother? >> i love her. >> reporter: and her brother 7-year-old liam, who said on mother's day he is trying to not get in trouble. >> trying to make her not mad. >> reporter: trying to make her not mad. how is that going today? >> so-so. >> reporter: so-so. you got in a little trouble? >> i think so. >> reporter: you know what today is, noah? >> mother's day. >> reporter: what did you do for mother's day? >> give presents. >> reporter: how many? >> tons. >> reporter: what was his favorite gift? >> a pen. >> reporter: a fancy pen. what did she say? >> this really works. >> reporter: this really works. his mother smiling off camera. and her gift? >> a picture of me and my mom. i framed it with popsicles. >> reporter: if you had to tell the whole world one thing about.
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>> reporter: she is the best mom. david muir, abc news. >> props to david to getting down low and letting the kids go. that was great. >> my favorite story of the day for sure. especially, he gave his mom tons of gifts. talking to david like he is on his phone. >> are you for real? poor kid on the rollerblade. >> so-so. >> trying not to get in trouble. >> did you get in trouble? >> a little. >> that's my little guy devon. bringing over his gift. on the verge of walking. >> check him out. >> going to be really mad you showed him in his undies on tv when he grows up. >> that's okay. >> he is adorable. >> happy mother's day. >> happy mother's day to everybody out there. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades.
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making news this morning -- massive manhunt. >> developing overnight. a festive mother's day parade brought to a halt by a mass shooting. the gunman opening fire on marchers, including children. and this morning, an all-out search for suspects. what did the brothers know? siblings of ariel castro, cleveland's accused kidnapper, speaking out. and so are the victims. we are live with the latest. on the move. unstoppable waves of lake ice being pushed into homes. crushing everything in their path. helpless home owners watching and waiting. and the big announcement overnight. abc's own tv legend, barbara walters, making a major decision about her future on television. go


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